'This is a case unboxing and review of 3 MKS (Meal Kit Supply) MRE\'s. http://www.mremarketplace.com/ https://www.mealkitsupply.com/MRE/US/ These are the closest Civilian MRE to the real deal Government Spec. MRE\'s. The menu variation, contents, appearance, and quality are almost identical to Govt. MRE\'s, really. * I am not a paid spokesperson for this product - this is just a recommendation for anyone out there stocking up on Civilian MRE\'s. One of the most asked questions I get from the audience is what is my personal favorite common everyday regular MRE on the market for camping/prepping/stocking up? Well, this video is for you folks. Hope this helps answer that question! This is the only Civilian MRE I would ever consider buying again. For whatever that\'s worth! Hope you like the video, sit back with some snacks and enjoy! For correspondence, or to send any MRE for review, my mailing information is: Steve1989 3616 Harden Blvd #360 Lakeland, FL 33803 http://www.mremarketplace.com/ http://www.mreinfo.com/ Support me on Patreon - now with pledge rewards! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2821334&ty=h And thank you everyone for watching & subscribing - hope you enjoyed this one, as I certainly did making it! -Steve ** All Music By: Steve1989 MREinfo ** Check out the other awesome YT reviewers: Oldsmokey: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL1wSC0Ntw8KWgTM-TRHFOQ RC Gusto: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfBEYgWflPKsDI_i6AmD5sA gschultz9: https://www.youtube.com/user/gschultz9 stickyfingaz745: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChEqR37txqYozXbbitVDd7A gundog4314: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7dAKknI_zWUNcz36T0Lp6w emmymadeinjapan: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzqbfYjQmf9nLQPMxVgPhiA Kiwi Dude: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIUTBxBxmMMY2bUJqYITJxw Paul Buikema: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ51mn3lFHIyMYxX74ViCPg Elandil: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCspVo4xdz9JPpPV6d6jp9wQ MrBrowningm1911 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVoA8_rDsAcMF2UkfCO4n4A dingo7055: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU8dvHS5J4Kqn79p6ScmWqw SparrowMedicine: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8TnFxqRz-PTS-yowf6S5kw LET\'S GET THIS OUT ONTO A TRAY, NICE™ NICE HISS™ I\'LL BE COMING BACK AT YOU WITH SOMETHING NEW OR OLD, ALRIGHT COOL SEE YA™'
Tags: Food , To , meal , review , amazing , camping , modern , asmr , Vietnam , CRAZY , pack , Eat , korea , army , Steve , Gulf , War , survival , military , emergency , Ready , WW2 , smoked , SHTF , coolest , oldest , packet , tasting , rarest , cigarette , mre , ration , prepper food , mci , packaged , eaten , steve1989 , mreinfo , CIVILIAN , MKS MRE , Meal Kit Supply MRE , Freshest MRE on Market , MREmarketplace , Best Civilian MRE , best mre ive ever had , disaster prep , hurricane food , survival meal
See also: