'With the new Baby Alive Snackin’ Sara doll, little girls can experience the love and fun of babies! You can feed Sara by using the reusable doll food and shaping tools to make different kinds of snacks for her. When she makes a stink-a-roo, Sara will want her diaper changed. You\'ll love watching your little girl pretend to be a mommy with the Snackin’ Sara doll! For more Baby Alive: https://goo.gl/6G4WpT Get your very own Snackin\' Sara toy today: http://goo.gl/3CZEYC Subscribe to the Official Hasbro channel: http://goo.gl/jxBc4K Official Hasbro YouTube Channel: https://goo.gl/Ig2Yoe Official Baby Alive Dolls visit: http://goo.gl/6WaW5H'
Tags: girl , Food , toys , feed , tv spot , baby , mom , Play , toy , child , COMMERCIAL , promo , tv commercial , doll , girl toys , Snacks , mommy , baby alive dolls , baby alive , poop , hasbro , girl toy , diaper , snackin sara , snackin' sara , stink-a-roo
See also: