'Buy some Marvel Studios Eternals toys: https://amzn.to/2ZwKSD8 Fast Food Toys is your #1 guide for all fast food toy collectors 13 years and older! Please visit https://allfastfoodtoys.com for all fast food toy reviews and collections. Fast Food Toys reviews the Eternals McDonald\'s Happy Meal App Game Power Up Your Happy Meal Toy interactive light up Ajak superhero. Ajak is played by actress Salma Hayek. The Happy Meal App is also known as the McPlay Happy Studio or McWorld Happy Meal App. We also reviewed the complete set of 10 in order for the next MCU Marvel Studios film Eternals available at McDonald\'s restaurants starting in October 2021 and ending in November 2021. We have also revealed the next Happy Meal toys at McDonald\'s in November. There is a complete set of 10 Marvel Studios Eternals McDonald\'s Happy Meal toys! They light up and move as you put them on your phone flashlight or McPlay Happy Meal App games! Here are the McDonalds Eternals toys with actual Eternal toy numbers: #1 Ikaris #2 Sersi #3 Kingo #4 Makkari #5 Phastos #6 Ajak #7 Druig #8 Sprite #9 Gilgamesh #10 Thena. The Marvel Studios Eternals movie will be only in theaters on November 5, 2021. Can you name all Eternal characters / immortal superheroes with their actor names? AKA Los Eternos cajita feliz / mclanche feliz! Presently, there are the McDonald\'s Tom & Jerry Happy Meal toys in many countries in Europe & Asia. The McDonald\'s Disney 50 years toys are the next McDonald\'s toys, the next Happy Meal toys available at McDonald\'s US restaurants in September & October 2021 right after the McDonald\'s Ron\'s Gone Wrong Happy Meal toys and before the McDonald\'s Marvel Eternals Happy Meal toys! There are 50 toys to collect for all 50 years birthday of Walt Disney World Florida since October 1, 1971! There are Mickey Mouse chocolate milk & Minnie Mouse milk jug with Daisy Duck apple slices. There are free headbands Mickey Mouse ears and Minnie Mouse ears! We also review the Walt Disney World McDonalds toys & Eternals restaurant display and commercial! The Disney Ron\'s Gone Wrong movie will be out in theaters on Tuesday October 22, 2021. We love Tom & Jerry, Ron\'s Gone Wrong, Disney Pixar Luca, Warner Bros Space Jam A New Legacy film trailers! The next toys after the Burger King DreamWorks Trollstopia Trolls toys are the BK SpongeBob SquarePants Camp Coral toys in October! The Disney toys will also be available in Latin America including Mexico and Brazil. They are known as walt disney world cajita feliz juguetes and disney mclanche feliz brinquedos. We\'d like them to have the SpongeBob SquarePants & Scoob! Scooby-Doo Happy Meal toys. The next McDonald\'s Happy Meal toys after the July McDonald\'s Space Jam 2 A New Legacy Happy Meal toys are NOT the Teen Titans Go! Happy Meal toys in August - September (cancelled promo) but Ron\'s Gone Wrong toys & then Walt Disney World 50th Anniversary Happy Meal toys in October, Eternals toys in Oct / Nov, Encanto Happy Meal toys in November & McDonald\'s Sing 2 toys in December - January 2022! Burger King presently has the Burger King DreamWorks Trolls TrollsTopia toys for September - October 2021 and then in November - December 2021, the Burger King SpongeBob Camp Coral toys! 2021 McDonald\'s Eternals Happy Meal toys box set 10 review https://youtu.be/6JdKcdgJFz4 2021 McDonald\'s Walt Disney World 50th Anniversary toys https://youtu.be/Ewtberja6Mg 2021 McDonald\'s Tom & Jerry Happy Meal toys full world set 12 https://youtu.be/rjd2K5Mp6pg 2021 McDonald\'s Disney Ron\'s Gone Wrong Happy Meal toys complete set 6 unboxing https://youtu.be/YqaB6zdTuTQ 2021 McDonald\'s Space Jam Happy Meal toys complete world set 14 collection review https://youtu.be/s-6V7e6UHyI McDonald\'s Disney Pixar Luca Happy Meal toys complete set of 8 review https://youtu.be/ruqcDXfdJEQ Next Happy Meal toys: McDonald\'s Disney Encanto Happy Meal toys November / Dec 2021 https://youtu.be/SdVEJHjLMfY 2021 McDonald\'s Sing 2 Happy Meal toys update December Christmas Holidays https://youtu.be/KqjAYy5mVxA AllFastFoodToys.com is your #1 reference guide for fast food toy collectors aged 13 and over. If you need help completing your Happy Meal toy collection, please visit AllFastFoodToys.com and we can give you pointers on how to get them all! Visit for the McDonald\'s Happy Meal toy schedule 2021 / 2022 and for McDonald\'s toy list by year for previous years since 1979 the year of the first Happy Meal!'
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