'Check out HELLOFRESH: http://bit.ly/2fiQBC0 and receive $30 off your first order with promo code \'EMMY30.\' These burgers come ready-to-eat packaged in a CAN. Let\'s find out what\'s inside and what it tastes like. Big thanks to MREmountain for sending these to me to taste. :) You can get your own burgers here: www.mremountain.com New videos every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday! SUBSCRIBE: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=emmymadeinjapan TWITTER: https://twitter.com/emmymadeinjapan INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/emmymade SNAPCHAT: @emmymade FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/itsemmymadeinjapan/ OTHER CHANNEL: emmymade http://bit.ly/1zK04SJ This video IS sponsored. Thanks, HelloFresh. \"Clown Business 3\" and \"Strolling in Style 3\" courtesy of epidemicsound.com and royalty-free Sprightly from iMovie. If you\'re reading this, you know what\'s what. Comment: \"I\'d rather eat the paper.\"'
Tags: Food , burger , meal , review , german , germany , Weird , Eat , taste test , Open , hamburger , unbox , prepper , cheeseburger , can , strange , taste , odd , preserved , canned , mre , ready to eat , tinned
See also: