'Deaths from #Corona virus all over the world | Wuhan sea food market | World Health Organization'

'Deaths from #Corona virus all over the world | Wuhan sea food market | World Health Organization'
11:11 Apr 30, 2022
'#coronavirus The virus starts spreading from the Wuhan seafood market in China and now it has affected the whole world. Coronavirus, World emergency declared by WHO. This video will tell you how and when coronavirus spread, death tolls of each country that is affected by corona' 

Tags: China , iran , corona , WHO , corona virus in china , World Health Organization , Corona Virus in Iran , corona in america , corona deaths , how corona starts , newsio , corona virus in pakistan , corona virus in world , wuhan city of china , corona fear , corona in saudia arab , death from corona all over the world , psl matches cancel due to corona , iran minister affected from virus , virus in denmark iraq india pakistan , italy corona deaths , ali zafar corona , alex hales corona

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