'세계인의 입맛을 사로잡다, K-FOOD If there was one item from Korea causing a global sensation with its unforgettable flavors and charms, what would you say it is? It’s hansik, Korean cuisine. As if proving its global popularity, many YouTubers are sharing their experiences of K-Food with others around the globe. Let’s kick off a delicious journey into Korean culture with special company. This is an award ceremony held in Seoul. The unique thing is, all the prizewinners are non-Korean YouTubers. This award ceremony is part of a video contest that took place under the theme of “My Favorite K-Food.” Ranging from traditional food to processed foods, the participants cook or taste their favorite Korean food in the videos. These videos definitely speak to their love and affection for Korean food. (English) \"I love to watch Korean drama and I have already seen Korean food there, and they looked yummy.\" The prizewinners are given the chance to travel different cities in Korea over five days. Talking about Korean food, we can’t forget about kimchi, a staple fermented vegetable side dish. This is a Korean culture experience center in Hanok Village in Jeonju. Here, visitors can learn how to make kimchi and taste their own kimchi. Types and tastes of kimchi differ from region to region. In Jeonju , the locals use onions, daikon radishes, garlic and fermented yellow croakers for the kimchi marinade. They seem genuinely excited about this new experience. Through the process, they also feel the warm sentiments of Koreans. (SOV) \"Let me taste a little piece of my kimchi. It tastes like proper kimchi. I can\'t believe I\'ve just made it \" Above all, these guys had the most fun learning about Korean traditional alcohol ranging from takju , raw rice liquor, and yakju , medicinal liquor, to hard liquor. They also learned how to make traditional alcohol themselves. The first step to making makgeolli is cooking hard-boiled rice. That’s the main ingredient of the beverage as well. Then the rice should be mixed with water and nuruk , a Korean fermentation starter. After three days to a week, the ingredients slowly ferment before finally turning into a milky, off-white beverage. (Japanese) \"I\'m currently making makgeolli. I\'ve just added yeast. This is how it\'s made. It\'s so fun.\" Makgeolli is highly versatile. With a few gentle bubbles, it can be used as a base spirit for countless fruit cocktails, making it popular among youngsters and foreigners. (English) \"I like it, it\'s different from what I expected it to be. Back home, we used grapes. It has strong liquor taste to it, so it\'s different, but I enjoyed it.\" Now the YouTubers are on a strawberry farm to harvest winter strawberries. Strawberries are a spring fruit in Korea, but winter strawberries are more popular for their firm texture and refreshing sweetness. These guys are finally harvesting strawberries. Of course, they never miss their chance of sharing this unique experience with their viewers. The strawberries have been grown using eco-friendly means and are absolutely delicious. They can be enjoyed the way they are, but these guys are making strawberry cupcakes in time for Christmas. Time flew by and the 5-day trip is about to come to an end. They must feel closer to Korea after experiencing the quintessence of Korean culture and cuisine. (English) \"This trip touches upon agriculture and local culture, so it\'s something different as it\'s quite difficult for tourists to experience in Seoul. It\'s very interesting and amazing.\" Five days in Korea in winter must have left a very special impression on the prizewinners. Now it’s time for them to share those moments again with their viewers in their own unique ways. Arirang News Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/arirangtvnews ------------------------------------------------------------ [Subscribe Arirang Official YouTube] ARIRANG TV: http://www.youtube.com/arirang ARIRANG RADIO: http://www.youtube.com/Music180Arirang ARIRANG NEWS: http://www.youtube.com/arirangnews ARIRANG K-POP: http://www.youtube.com/arirangworld ARIRANG ISSUE: http://www.youtube.com/arirangtoday ARIRANG CULTURE: http://www.youtube.com/arirangkorean ------------------------------------------------------------ [Visit Arirang TV Official Pages] Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/arirangtv Twitter: http://twitter.com/arirangworld Instagram: http://instagram.com/arirangworld Homepage: http://www.arirang.com ------------------------------------------------------------ [Arirang K-Pop] YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/arirangworld Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/arirangkpop Google+: http://plus.google.com/+arirangworld'
Tags: News , TV , korea , Korean , south , seoul , arirang , 아리랑TV , arirangtv , SouthKorea , ArirangNews , 아리랑뉴스 , 뉴스 , 북한 , northkorea , 대한민국
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