Dec 31, 2023
'Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency is a cause of jaundice or yellow eyes. It also causes newborn jaundice, or neonatal jaundice. G6PD is an enzyme in red blood cells that help them to stay alive and not break down prematurely. The lack of this enzyme can cause occasional haemolysis or chronic haemolysis leading to haemolytic anaemia. It is commoner among males. A baby or child with G6PD deficiency may require a blood transfusion because of haemolytic anaemia. Good nutrition, immunizations, protection from malaria and good hygiene are important in caring for a child with G6PD defect. During haemolytic episodes, children with G6PD defect may have cola-like urine, jaundice and symptoms of anaemia. Haemolysis in G6PD defect may be caused by infections or drugs, especially sulfur drugs. Naphthalene balls may also trigger G6PD haemolysis. #G6PD #haemolysis #jaundice #newbornjaundice #naphthaleneballs #sulfurdrugs #malaria #anaemia #favabeans'See also: