'15 Indian guys duet a Chinese eating noodles | TikTok'

'15 Indian guys duet a Chinese eating noodles | TikTok'
03:48 Jul 24, 2021
'Important: The last time is Japanese, now I\'ve changed to Chinese, he speaks Japanese.   Even challenging noodles, I made Indians.  #JustTrending #Eating #Noodles  TikTok, Noodles, Ramen, Chopsticks, Plate, Bowl, Eating, Tissue, Table, Fast eating, Chinese, Indian, Food, Eggs, Spoon, Fork, Fastest eating guy, challenge, Noodles challenge   If there is have any claimants, please email us.' 

Tags: table , eggs , eating , tiktok , Food , challenge , japanese , indian , television , chinese , bowl , ramen , noodles , Fork , plate , chopsticks , spoon , fast eating , tissue , Fastest eating guy

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