'The sauce is the most joyful element of a dish, here are a few tips to bring out the presentation of food using some simple techniques to plate food. #foodart #foodplating #sauce #sauceplating #artofplating #kunalkapur #chefkunal #KKitchen #KunalKapurRecipes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I am Chef Kunal Kapur and this is my space, my channel. Subscribe & Together let\'s cook.
Tags: easy recipes , kitchen hacks , kitchen tricks , plating , food art , food presentation ideas , how to plate food , food plating , food plating techniques , Food presentation , Kunal Kapoor recipes , plating hacks , plating tips , food plating ideas , kunal kapur recipes , k kitchen , how to present food , how to plate food like a Chef , sauce plating , how to plate food like a pro , fun plating tips & tricks , like a chef , michelin chef , fun plating ideas at home , plating ideas for dessert
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