'Menu #22 Beef Goulash is the newest US MRE menu for 2019. This is a delicious new menu with no needed items like crackers or hot sauce added to it for improved taste & texture. A very classic style menu lineup, with sides that do well as individual stand alone items and not aiming at the more modern MRE approach of mixing multiple components together. An excellent upgrade to the previous year\'s Menu #22 - Asian Style Beef Strips w/ Vegetables. Which we take a look at that menu in this review at well right around the 12 minute mark. So stay tuned for that inside of this review as well - and see how this 2019 menu #22 is an absolute upgrade from the previous year\'s. (Merch) https://teespring.com/stores/steve1989 For correspondence, or to send a Military Ration for review, my mailing information is: Steve1989 3616 Harden Blvd #360 Lakeland, FL 33803 (Patreon) https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2821334&ty=h And thank you everyone for watching & subscribing - hope you enjoyed this one, as I certainly did making it! -Steve ** All Music By: Steve1989MREinfo ** gschultz9: https://www.youtube.com/user/gschultz9 Delicious: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo9H0eftrfhVbu9BsrZzK5g stickyfingaz745: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChEqR37txqYozXbbitVDd7A gundog4314: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7dAKknI_zWUNcz36T0Lp6w emmymadeinjapan: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzqbfYjQmf9nLQPMxVgPhiA Paul Buikema: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ51mn3lFHIyMYxX74ViCPg Elandil: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCspVo4xdz9JPpPV6d6jp9wQ LET\'S GET THIS OUT ONTO A TRAY, NICE™ NICE HISS™ I\'LL BE COMING BACK AT YOU WITH SOMETHING NEW OR OLD, ALRIGHT COOL SEE YA™'
Tags: Test , Food , To , meal , review , amazing , camping , modern , asmr , Vietnam , CRAZY , pack , Eat , korea , army , Steve , Gulf , survival , military , emergency , Ready , SHTF , coolest , taste , oldest , packet , tasting , rarest , beef goulash , mre steve , mre , ration , mci , packaged , eaten , steve1989 , mreinfo , CIVILIAN , Steve1989 MRE Taste Test , Steve1989MREinfo , MRE 2019 , MRE Beef Goulash , Newest MRE , US Ration , US MRE , Meal Ready to Eat Tasting , MRE Taste Test
See also: