'DIY backdrop with paint for food photography. In my shop I\'m selling photos from backdrops. You can print these at your local print shop (vinyl banners) and then you have you\'re won vinyl backdrop! More info: https://mylucie.com/vinyl-backdrops/ https://www.instagram.com/myluciebackdrops https://mylucie.com On my blog there a several DIY\'s with making backdrops. Order your backdrop now: https://mylucie.com/vinyl-backdrops/ If you want to stay informed about discounts and the latest news you can sign up here: https://mbmylucieluc.activehosted.com/f/1'
Tags: food photography , backdrop , diy backdrop , food surfaces , backgrounds diy , how to make a backdrop , foodphotography backdrops , foodstyling backgrounds , making foodsurfaces , tutorial backgrounds , lucie beck backdrops , food photographer Lucie Beck , foodstyling surfaces , fotoachtergronden , achterwand voor fotografie
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