'Shopping & Food Festival \'Streets Of India\' At Swabhumi, Kolkata, West Bengal, Bangla, India. In this video, you can see the outside view of beautiful \'Swabhumi\' main gate to the \'Santushti\' area where the delicious festival food stalls are located... In the next parts, you can see the famous restaurant foods and awesome street food stalls in Kolkata, India... #tanmoysarkar #indianstreetfood #streetfoodsofindia'
Tags: Food , beautiful , YouTube , shopping , cool , India , KOLKATA , Wow , exhibition , happy , awesome , FOODS , bangla , Nice , enjoyment , Fantastic , West Bengal , Street foods , indian street foods , People & Blogs , Get together , food festivals , street foods of india , Travels & Food Videos , Shopping & Food Festivals , Shopping & Food Festivals Around The World India , Swabhumi , People Of Kolkata
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