'Daphnia cultures - live aquarium fish food'

'Daphnia cultures - live aquarium fish food'
02:43 Jun 10, 2021
'These are my two daphnia cultures. I bought a little plastic bag with daphnia at my local aquarium shop. This is how you make your DIY live fish food. Daphnia is also supposed to be really great food for most aquarium fish - i know my fish love them and love catching them. 1: Find a flat container - the bigger the more daphnia you can keep. Needs to be flat - with low water to make gas exchange better (give oxygene to your daphnia). 2: I had some oyster shell from my barn (i hold chickens that love to eat this every now and then). I put about an inch (2-3 cm) of oyster shell. These help keep ph value high. You can probably use any shells you can find on the beach - or chalk..ish stones or gravel.. 3: Fill up with tap water and keep under flourscent lights or in a window seal. No need for heat as they like any room temperature comfortable for you and even colder. 4: Let this mature. You could make this mature faster by adding infusoria water. It took me some weeks before the daphnia started to thrive... actually they started to thrive when the algae started so they might like that.  5: You can add some snails that will eat what leftovers fall to the bottom. 6: Add some daphnia. I feed mine with very finely crushed 30% spirulina fish food and they seem to like that and are really healthy growing right now... maybe exploding. 7: I harvest around 1/3 of the grown ups every other day - using a small net or artemia siff with big enough holes to leave the smaller daphnia to grow up and reproduce untill big enough to get caught. I catch the smaller sizes too when i have fry or for my soon to come triops ;)' 

Tags: Fish (Food) , daphnia , daphnia culture , live fish food , daphnia breeding

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