'Instagram: @eyitstris Tristian\'s Reef: Secret of Fish Health DIY Fish Food In this episode I take a look at one of the pillars of Reef Keeping. I believe that my success with difficult fish and corals is due in part to the foods that I feed them. Faced with the prospect of spending hundreds of dollars a year in commercial fish foods I decided to make my own using the same stuff that commercial breeders use to keep their fish healthy, and in breeding form. Look out for Part 2 where I I feed the fish and give an update of the tank itself! Thanks for watching and your support. Please let me know below what things you like to add to your fish foods! Music: Les Poissoins - Little Mermaid soundtrack Under the Sea - Little Mermaid soundtrack'
Tags: Music , Ocean , tank , fish , sea , Aquatic , aquarium , fish tank , marine , reef , reef tank , coral , saltwater , fish food , algae , SPS , sump , filtration , saltwater aquarium , reef supplies , marine aquarium , corals , red slime , cyanobacteria , green hair algae , bryopsis , Aquarium issues , removing algae , Nitrate , Jebao , Hydor , reef fish tank , reef update , coral placement , framingtech , crystal reef aquatics , protein skimmer , diy fishkeeper
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