'Get ready for delicious Chinese Street Food Tour in Shanghai, China. Over 12 tasty food items! Please do me a favor and: ►SUBSCRIBE for 2 new videos per week: https://bit.ly/2K8uYn1 ►SUBSCRIBE for 2 new videos per week: https://bit.ly/2K8uYn1 It just takes 1 click from you but it really means a lot to me. In this video I go deep into the alleys and streets of Shanghai to find the best street food in Shanghai. All of the places I went to was hand picked and they are some of the oldest, most popular, and top rated local restaurants. I started out from People\'s square and sampled a ton of amazingly delicious street food and often right ON THE STREET. I tried scallion pancakes, leek & egg pancakces, soup dumplings, scallop and pork small wontons, fried pork chops, pan fried wontons, fried pork skewers, cube-like Chinese pastries, traditional Shanghai sticky rice green ball, pot stickers and fried dumplings, and end with Sichuan ice jello. It was so much fun and so much food. There are so many more amazing street foods in Shanghai and I am really looking forward to filming part 2 of the street tour. Want to know how these Shanghai street food taste like? Watch this video! If you like this video, please do me a favor and: ►SUBSCRIBE for 2 new videos per week: https://bit.ly/2K8uYn1 ►SUBSCRIBE for 2 new videos per week: https://bit.ly/2K8uYn1 It just takes 1 click from you but it really means a lot to me. Places I went to on this episode: 顾寿刚老上海葱油饼(福州路店) http://www.dianping.com/shop/128407824 579 Fuzhou Rd, Huangpu Qu, Shanghai, China 老街小食(天津路店) http://www.dianping.com/shop/G4zjDpzIsrZYkWBR 504 Tianjin Rd, Huangpu Qu, Shanghai, China 鼎福记·小笼馄饨(宁波路店) http://www.dianping.com/shop/122022712 556 Ningbo Rd, Huangpu Qu, Shanghai, China 七狸塘仙豆糕(人民广场店) http://www.dianping.com/shop/130707888 491 Tian Jin Lu, Huangpu Qu, Shanghai, China 沈大成(南京东路店) http://www.dianping.com/shop/500689 636 Nanjing Road, Huangpu, Shanghai, China 舒蔡记生煎菜饭 142 Yunnan Middle Rd, Huangpu, Shanghai, China 甜心闲生传统手工冰粉(人民广场店) http://www.dianping.com/shop/131625161 180 Xizang Middle Rd, Huangpu Qu, Shanghai, China Enjoy! Dan.'
Tags: Food , China , SHANGHAI , chinese , noodles , street food , chinese street food , Food Vlog , chinese food , China travel , food ranger , street food around the world , dumplings , chinese noodles , chopstick travel , Luke martin , china food , china street food , jian bing , Strictly Dumpling , chinese market , chinese dumplings , shanghai street food , luke martin china , Shanghai Shopping , travel shanghai , try chinese food , what to do shanghai , what to eat shanghai , best jian bing shanghai
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