'Foodland Ventures 扶田資本 Food Tech Demo Day #1 - Tsaitung Agriculture 菜蟲農食'

08:05 Sep 20, 2022
'Presented by  李昱德, 菜蟲農食 創辦人暨執行長 Yu-De Lee, Founder & CEO of Tsaitung Agriculture  關於菜蟲農食 -  菜蟲農食是台灣第一個以數據化生鮮食材解決方案來服務商業 (2B)及個人客戶 (2C) 的團隊。運用數據與現代化的供應鏈管理,有效將供應鏈中層次從 3 層降至 1 層,整體花費時間從業界平均 3 至 4 天縮短低於 1 天,建立餐廳直接向生產者採購蔬菜食材的平台以及面對終端消費者的線上食材購買平台 鄰家鮮生。客戶觸及餐飲、電商、運輸等產業,目前服務超過 400 個以上的知名品牌,並與台灣電商龍頭 momo 購物網、PCHOME 24 小時購物、中保好生活、華泰大飯店集團、添好運合作。成立以來每年皆以二至三倍的速度成長,預計於 2022 年南進越南胡志明市,並隨後拓展拓展至馬來西亞與新加坡等市場。  About Tsaitung Agriculture -  Tsaitung Agriculture is the first fresh ingredient solution in Taiwan to connect producers and ingredient users with data and internet technology in both B2B and B2C. Their approach cuts the total layers involved in the middle of the supply chain from 3 to 1, and total time to delivery from 3-4 days to under 1. They have built a platform to connect ingredient producers directly to restaurants and extended their solution to individual customers. Their clients range from F&B, to e-commerce, and the logistics industry and they have served over 400 notable brands including two biggest e-commerce platforms in Taiwan - momo and PCHOME, Secom Group, Gloria Hotel Group and TimHoWon. They have been growing at 2x-3x yearly for multiple years since their founding. For international expansion, they aim to enter Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City in Q3 2022, and to Malaysia and Singapore later on.  Learn more about Tsaitung Agriculture / 了解菜蟲農食:https://www.tsaitung.com/  Learn more about Foodland Ventures / 了解扶田資本:https://www.foodlandventures.com/' 
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