'阿賢亞洲好食光 Jason Tastes Asia'

01:01 Sep 13, 2022
'美食  是人與人之間的親善大使 它讓陌生人相遇 交換彼此的美好記憶 走   在地人走的路 吃   在地人吃的食物 每一次的出發與回歸 都能遇見更誠懇的自己  Beautiful things happen when you bring people together over food. Take the trails that the locals take. Eat where the locals eat. We bring back not just mouthwatering memories but real inspiration.  Join Jason Yeoh (Axian) as he ventures out of Malaysia and travels off the beaten track to discover the secrets behind South-East Asia’s unique culinary scene. Jason embarks on an immersive journey across the Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia, uncovering the region’s multi-ethnic culture and heritage the best way he knows how – through its food and people. Whether it’s visiting a local market, engaging with the natives, or revealing traditional cooking methods and ingredients that have stood the test of time, Jason is here to uncover the delightful complexities of South-East Asia’s culinary treasures.  在 Asian Food Channel 誠意製作的全新美食行旅節目『阿賢亞洲好食光』中,阿賢從馬來西亞出發,將探索的觸角伸向異地的天空,與在地人交朋友, 走他們走的路,吃他們吃的食物,入鄉隨俗,一起踏查體驗亞洲各地平民美食的桃花園。從來,食物就是人與人之間的親善大使,它以不同的面貌,向我們展示了一個經由時間不斷累積而來的人文景緻。那是一幅攤展開來的美食清明上河圖,記錄了庶民的生活與勞動,只要沿著他們移動的軌跡,通過食物,就能窺見另一處陌生又美麗的新世界。  《阿賢亞洲好食光 Jason Tastes Asia》 首播 Prime : Thursday 10pm,  23 June 2016  重播 Repeat: Friday 1am,10am,8pm; Saturday 11am, 6pm; Sunday 12am, 9am,8pm; Monday 5pm, 11pm; Wednesday 12am, 8pm; Thursday 1pm, 6pm 頻道 Channel: Asian Food Channel  (Astro CH703)  全職生活團隊新作品  Another production of Full Time Living exclusively for AFC Original' 
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