'This is one small step for DFB, and one GIANT leap for DFB-kind. (Eh, Neil Armstrong did it better -- but you know what I’m getting at.) It’s time to blast-off into a dining experience we’ve been waiting EONS for (or at least since 2017 when it was first announced). It’s the one, the only... Space 220. [Subscribe for more Disney Food Videos!] http://bit.ly/1rqUGbh [Join our Newsletter] http://disneyfoodblog.com/the-disney-food-blog-newsletter Want to support the channel? Check out our line of Disney Dining Travel Guides at http://DFBStore.com. Purchase our DFB Disney themed t-shirts and more at https://teespring.com/stores/dfb-guide Get tips, tricks, reviews, and budget advice at http://DisneyFoodBlog.com [Social Links] http://Twitter.com/disneyfoodblog http://Facebook.com/disneyfoodblog http://Instagram.com/disneyfoodblog'
Tags: Food , disney , Disney World , disneyland , disneyfood , disneyvideo , disneyvacation , disney vlogger , disney vlog , Disney Parks , disney tips , disney planning , disney travel , disney trip , disney guides , disney how to
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