'Hey guys! I love filming \'follow me around\'/vlog videos so I hope you enjoy this one! I reorganised my makeup, saw Oprah live (she was AMAZING), Mia made a few cameos, I experienced some road rage and amongst lots of other things opened some new makeup parcels! xxx -------------------------------------------------------------------------- L I N K S MY WEBSITE: http://www.loveloz.com INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/lozcurtis FACEBOOK PAGE: http://www.facebook.com/laurenbeautyy VLOG CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/user/laurenbeautyyVLOGS TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/#!/laurenbeautyy SNAPCHAT: LozCurtisPublic TUMBLR: http://www.laurencurtis.tumblr.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- P R O D U C T S U S E D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- D I S C O U N T C O D E S 10% OFF Sigma Brushes! CODE: LAUREN http://sigma-beauty.7eer.net/c/103573/146780/2835 ** In this video I used the Large Angled Contour F40, Tapered Blending E40, Tapered Blending E35, Short Shader E20 15% OFF Make Up Store! Use code: LaurenCurtis http://www.makeupstoreshop.com 15% OFF Velour Lashes! Use code: LAURENVELOUR http://www.velourlashes.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------- B U S I N E S S E N Q U I R I E S - USA/Canada: Scott Fisher at [email protected] \'Lauren Curtis\' in the subject line - All international enquiries (other than USA/Canada): Jill Birmingham at [email protected] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- E Q U I P M E N T Camera I use: Canon 70D with 50mm lens Editing program: iMovie \'11'
Tags: how to , beauty , tutorial , gym , cosmetics , makeup , haul , vlog , get ready with me , lesson , blonde , daily vlog , mia , favorites , follow me , australian , Perth , follow me around , a day in the life , favourites , oprah , makeup storage , lozcurtis , lauren curtis , laurenbeautyy , Road Rage , oprah winfrey (celebrity) , makeup storage ideas , new makeup storage , ourdogmia , unboxing parcels , makeup deliveries
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