'Besan ke Laddoo khane ka mazaa hi kuch aur hai. Iss recipe ke saath aapko khane mein aur banane mein bhi bada mazaa aayega! BESAN KE LADDOO Ingredients : 12-15 cashewnuts 12-15 almonds 1 cup pure ghee 4 cups coarse gram flour (jada besan) 1 teaspoon green cardamom powder 2 cups powdered sugar Method : 1. Place the cashewnuts and almonds in a blender jar and coarsely grind them. Transfer into a bowl and set aside. 2. Heat ghee in a non-stick pan. Add gram flour, cook, stirring continuously, for 15-20 minutes or till gram flour is fragrant and turns light brown in colour. 3. Add cardamom powder, cashewnuts and almonds. Stir and remove from heat. Cool for 15 minutes. 4. Add powdered sugar and mix well. You may use your hands to mix this. 5. Shape into walnut sized round laddoos and arrange on a plate. When the laddoos have cooled completely, store them in an airtight container. #Besankeladdoo #diwalisweets #foodfood FOODFOOD is now in the USA on DISH Network at Channel No 713. Please Upgrade to hindi mega pack to watch FOODFOOD Click to Subscribe: http://bit.ly/foodfoodIndia Website: http://www.foodfood.com Wonderchef Kitchenware: https://goo.gl/YCPnTY Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FoodFood Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoodFood Instagram: http://instagram.com/foodfoodtv'
Tags: recipe videos , besan ladoo mistakes , besan ladoo taste bitter , magad ke laddu , besan ladoo raw taste , besan ke ladoo recipe , magad ke laddo , how to make besan laddu , besan ke ladoo banane ki vidhi , magad ke laddu ki recipe , besan ke laddu video , besan ladoo with bura , besan ladoo too liquid , besan ladoo not forming , besan ladoo too soft , besan ladoo sticky , boondi ladoo not binding , besan ladoo recipe step by step , laddoo recipes for diwali , besan laddoo in hindi
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