'These videos are filmed during riding an ebike on the streets of Wuhan, a fast growing Chinese city with a population of almost 10 million. Due to the limited range of the bike, all videos are shot in Wuchang near the Guanggu Square. Many of Wuhan\'s University are located in this area, also some beautiful lakes can be found here. Compered to the quite developed and clean City center in Hankou, Wuchang has a lot of constructions and some of the streets are a real challenge to drive. Till now, every video was shot with a Xiaomi Yi Cam 4k action camera, the newer videos without waterproof case to increase the picture quality. Also I used different external audio devices to get rid of the wind noise.'
Tags: China , beautiful , city , traffic , Wuhan , Streets , ebike , electric bike , East lake , 武汉,武昌,东湖,交通,中国, driving, scooter , Yi cam 4k
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