'Footage of a fish on plate, over the sea. These clips are designed to be used in other videos. You can use our free stock footage clips in any project. Just LIKE and SUBSCRIBE. Support the creators! Feel free to download all available stock videos and use them in your production. All videos are under creative common license, it mean you can reuse our footage, but you can not copyright it. Take your time to browse the channel and enjoy watching all the stock footage available to you for free. Please SUBSCRIBE FOR UPDATES and SUPPORT the creators! See more at: www.pond5.com/artist/greenlight101'
Tags: HD , Stock Footage , Recipe , footage , 4K , free , videos , Water , fishing , stock , presentation , Ocean , Royalty Free , boat , boats , high definition , fresh fish , fishing boat , salty , Food presentation , free footage , hd footage , no royalty , Видеоматериал , Кадры , свободно
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