'Have you had Filipino fusion dishes at a taqueria before? Celebrity chef Jordan Andino serves up his famous burritos, baos, and noodles that feature Filipino flavors. What other Asian fusion foods do you enjoy? FLIP SIGI ▸ http://bit.ly/flipsigi ▸ http://bit.ly/flipsigi-ig JORDAN ▸ http://bit.ly/fork_knife RYAN ▸ http://bit.ly/ryanwilliambenson CAMILLE ▸ http://bit.ly/camillevvv GABRIEL ▸ http://bit.ly/thegabegeneral CAMERA // Alex Siu (http://bit.ly/asiu1990-IG), Sunny Ou EDITOR // Eric Santos MUSIC // Origami Beats (http://bit.ly/origamibeats), RickyFlarez (http://bit.ly/thebriando) Subscribe Here! http://bit.ly/FungBrosSub Check out my top videos! http://bit.ly/FungBrosTopVideos Join the Fung Bros community and get access to special discounts, livestreams, Q&As, and more! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9avFXTdbSo5ATvzTRnAVFg/join --------------------------------- Do you want to work in media? Do you have film skills? We\'re looking for creatives in or around Los Angeles. If you\'re interested email us at [email protected] with your name, experience and location. Thank you! ---------------------------------- ▸ FUNG BROS SHIRTS & MERCH http://fungbros.merchlabs.com/ FOLLOW THE FUNG BROS. ▸ FACEBOOK // http://facebook.com/fungbros ▸ INSTAGRAM // http://instagram.com/fungbros ▸ TWITTER // http://www.twitter.com/fungbros DAVID ▸ INSTAGRAM // http://instagram.com/davidbfung ▸ TWITTER // http://www.twitter.com/davidbfung ANDREW ▸ INSTAGRAM // http://instagram.com/andrewjfung ▸ TWITTER // http://www.twitter.com/andrewjfung #FungBrosVideos #FungBros About Fung Bros: David and Andrew Fung are fascinated by hip-hop, comedy, and food. They love making funny rap songs, trying new food, and making people laugh. Welcome to the official Fung Bros Channel! FILIPINO RAMEN! MODERN FILIPINO FUSION FOOD IN NYC Food | Fung Bros https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rDj8uFD0No Fung Bros https://www.youtube.com/FungBrosComedy'
Tags: tastemade , basketball , filipino food , complex , fung bros , sneakerheads , food reviews , asian american , food ranger , asian girls , asian identity , wong fu , Let's talk , Flip Sigi , fung brothers , Asian stereotypes , David Fung , Andrew Fung , Asian guys , andrewjfung , davidbfung , on the street , Jordan Andino , filipino tacos , filipino tacos recipe , filipino tacos ingredients , filipino mexican , filipino mexican buzzfeed , filipino mexican food , filipino burrito , filipino fusion food
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