'►First look at Covid-19 ground 0. We are the only people to ever film this location. Enjoy! ►Please know, when visiting these locations I do not steal or vandalize. The only thing I take are photos and I only leave footprints. ---------------------------------------------- ►MY SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: @CCondon_ Follow me to see live-streams, photos, and behind the scenes footage! ---------------------------------------------- ►MY EQUIPMENT: - Tripod: Zomei 55” ($50) - Camera: Sony A77ii ($2,500) - Wide Lens: Tamron 11-17mm (???) - Zoom Lens: Nikon 18-105 ($250) - Video Editing Program: Final Cut Pro X ($300) - Photo Editing Program: Photoshop CS10 ($30/Month) ---------------------------------------------- ►My Most INSANE Explore (FOUND MURDER!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YbJQSZKrAo ---------------------------------------------- ►Tags For Views lolol \"ABANDONED federal gold exchange BANK ( FOUND VAULT ) PART 1\" \"ABANDONED MANSION\" \"ABANDONED PLANE FOUND 737\" \"ABANDONED NEW HOSPITAL (FOUND MORGUE)\" \"Abandoned HAUNTED MANSION!!\" \"Abandoned School ( Found Doll House In Attic )\" \"MY Abandoned Middle School Found My Yearbook!\" \"Abandoned trains. Old abandoned steam engine trains in USA. Abandoned steam locomotives\" \"Jake Paul - It\'s Everyday Bro (Song) feat. Team 10 (Official Music Video)\" \"Explore - Abandoned General Hospital\" \"ABANDONED 70\'S VINTAGE MOTEL *UNTOUCHED*\" \"Explore - Abandoned $3 Million Mansion\" \"Abandoned - Pontiac Silverdome\" \"Exploring ABANDONED PLAYBOY MANSION! (Crazy Indoor Pool!)\" \"Cancelled - Carnival\'s Project Pinnacle\" \"Abandoned - McBarge\" \"Top 5 Youtubers Who CAUGHT GHOSTS In Their Videos! (Ghosts Caught In Youtuber Videos)\" \"Top 5 SCARIEST Abandoned Places YOUTUBERS HAVE VISITED! (Scariest Places Youtubers Have Explored #5)* \"Disney\'s Forgotten Waterpark - Abandoned River Country\" \"Abandoned - Disneys Discovery Island (ORIGINAL)\" \"I TIE DYED MY YEEZYS (EXPERIMENT)\" \"Abandoned - The Glass Bank\" \"ABANDONED CHURCH!\" \"Abandoned - Randall Park Mall\" \"Sneaking Inside an Abandoned Nuclear Plant!\" \"Exploring an ABANDONED HOSPITAL!!\" \"Abandoned - Nickelodeon Studios\" \"Abandoned - Target Canada\"'
Tags: China , Abandoned , abandoned places , abandoned buildings , exploring , Wuhan , exploring abandoned places , urban exploring gone wrong , Chris Condon , abandoned hospital , vloggers in china , Exploring The ABANDONED Hard Rock Theme Park , bright sun films , Inside The ABANDONED S.S United States , abandoned killers mansion , abandoned exploration , huge abandoned mansion , abandoned wet market , abandoned china
See also: