'Must-have Indian Street Food on your India travel trip. YouTuber Bhawna Ahuja brings you her favorite Gola which is an Indian ice candy/lolly/slush in the flavour - Kala Khatta. Check her channel: https://goo.gl/9uuiFY Watch her full outfit - http://youtu.be/fYp7Phwd2KU ♦ Find Good Hotels in Mumbai https://goo.gl/PExzBR ♦ Find Cheap Flights Tickets https://goo.gl/L4AVZd ♥ More Street Food Videos https://goo.gl/7Xhspd ♥ Travel Videos https://goo.gl/y8HQxY Connect with us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IndianFoodies007/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/indianfoodies_yt/ ♥ Indian Food Recipes https://goo.gl/Tv5vwg This video is about: food, indian food, indian street food,street food, gola, slush, ice candy, ice slush, travel, travel india, what to eat in india, beach, gorai beach, india beaches, food in india, indian youtuber, food channel, food youtuber, mumbai, india, indian summer, summer, eating out, local food, youtube india, indianyoutuber, mumbai street food,'
Tags: summer , Food , Travel , Beach , India , ice , indian youtuber , Food Channel , Indian food , street food , indianyoutuber , mumbai , indian street food , Indian Cuisine (Cuisine) , mumbai street food , Travel India , food youtuber , youtube india , eating out , food in india , what to eat in india , Street Food Of Mumbai (Food) , Bhawna Ahuja , slush , gola , Local Food (Industry) , indianfoodies , ice candy , Indian Summer , ice slush , gorai beach , india beaches , missangelicsmle
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