'WHO팀, 코로나19 최초감염지 우한 수산시장 1시간 조사 A team of scientists from the WHO investigating the source of COVID-19 visited Sunday a wet market in Wuhan. The team also stopped by at least one hospital in the city that treated the first patients. Lee Seung-jae reports. More than a year since the initial outbreak,... the team of WHO scientists probing the source of the coronavirus pandemic have visited a wet market in the Chinese city of Wuhan. The team arrived Sunday amid heavy security to the now-shuttered wholesale seafood market,... and left after about an hour. According to the BBC,... among the places they visited,... the team investigated a cold storage area in the market. Among the various hypothesis that have been raised,... experts says the virus was likely passed on from cold-chain products into the wet market,... where the sale of frozen products took place. While the seafood market is sealed off,... experts believe there\'s still plenty to investigate. One member noted that the team visited Jinyintan hospital,... which specializes in infectious diseases and was designated to treat the city\'s first cases. The team also plans to visit the Wuhan Institute of Virology and labs at state facilities. Amid concerns over their safety,... the WHO stressed the investigators are taking extra precautions. \"So, the team will go out, but they will be bused to wherever, so they won\'t have any contact with the community. They will only have contact with those individuals that are being organized as part of the test, as part of the study. So, it will be very limited contact, but they will see the different groups and experts and places that are on their agenda. And they will also continue to be tested.\" A cluster of cases were linked to the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan when the virus first emerged in late 2019. Scientists want to know where the virus originated,... in what animal,... and how it infected humans,... questions that could take years to figure out. Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News. #COVID19 #Infection #WUHAN
Tags: SPORTS , News , in , russia , WORLD , Korean , politics , Protests , global , south korea , seoul , ECONOMY , weather , arirang , 아리랑TV , 아리랑뉴스 , 뉴스 , 북한 , 대한민국 , policy , U.S. , backing , 날씨 , 이슈 , issue , 미국 , north korea , 스포츠 , 월드 , 정치 , 정책 , ARIRANG NEWS , 경제 , arirang tv , 러시아 , Navalny , 체포 , 지지 , 전역서 , 나발니 , 시위 , 5천명 , 이상 , detained
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