'FOOD DETECTION (KOMODO DRAGON ) The reaction of the Komodo dragon when it smells something, whether it is virgin, carcass and fishy, surely it will immediately move in the direction of the kiss. Komodo dragons are able to smell things with a distance of 4 to 5 km. Using his keen sense of smell, Komodo quickly finds the animals he has bitten and dies. #KOMODO #KomodoProjeK #wildlife #natgeo'
Tags: Jurassic Park , natgeo , animal wild , wild life , food detection , komodo food , loh buaya , komodo hadang mobil , komodo detection , komodo vs mobil , proyek pulau rinca , Komodo Projek , komodo park , komodo vs dumtrek , komodo project , Dragons smell , wild attack , enemy of dragon , penghancuran konservasi , resort loh buaya , Pembangunan sarpas di komodo , Dragons catch
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