'Meet the latest, greatest food craze since the cronut: the ramen burger. Engineered by Keizo Shimamoto and sold at Brooklyn\'s Smorgasburg, this burger nestled between two eggy ramen buns has inspired legions of fans to queue up in line for a taste. Inspired by this over-the-top delight, we\'ve developed a home-kitchen-friendly version - try it out and see what all the hype is about! Subscribe to POPSUGAR Food! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?src_vid=wNSZWHtiGek&add_user=popsugartvyum Visit our website for more easy recipes and cooking tips! http://www.yumsugar.com Are we friends yet? Join us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/POPSUGARFood Get the latest updates via Twitter! https://twitter.com/#!/POPSUGARFood'
Tags: easy recipes , Food , Recipes , Cook , dessert recipes , cooking basics , food trends , food tutorials , food how to , POPSUGAR Food , YumSugarTV , ramen burger , Keizo Shimamoto , ramen burger recipe , Smorgasburd , ramen bun
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