'Peshawari namkeen gosht is one of the most popular Peshawari recipes in Pakistan. Namkeen gosht dish is served at restaurants managed by Peshawari people in Karachi, Hyderabad, Swat and other cities of Pakistan. Peshawari namkeen gosht is a special dish, available but at limited places. Peshawari Namkeen Gosht a traditional meat dish mostly served on Eid al Adha or on special family gathering . Give your recipe a real kick of flavor with Peshawari namkeen gosht recipe. Combination of simple spices make it a warm dish and the taste will impress you. Namkeen Gosht recipes in urdu on my YouTube Channel.'
Tags: Cooking , Food , Recipes , How to cook , How to make , Easy , simple , quick , home cooking , Mutton , indian recipe , Ed Sheeran , pakistani recipe , Mutton Karahi recipe , namkeen recipe , mutton recipes , mutton recipes pakistani , namkeen gosht , Namkeen gosht recipe , #YouTubeRewind , Lotus Food Gallery , www.lotusfoodgallery.com , salty meat , mutton recipe in urdu
See also: