'MISSION FOUL Egypt MISSION FOUL Egypt: Best Off, Abou Chady Laughing Moments . MISSION FOUL ، مصر: أليكس المذهل ، ليلا ونهارا. إنه نابض بالحياة ومليء بالحياة . . List of places visited in JORDAN: https://goo.gl/maps/7zkqR7io65xSdrDT9 List of places visited in the UAE: https://goo.gl/maps/RE6LnMNSEoEm7uWs6 List of places visited in Egypt: https://goo.gl/maps/bkQfoQHjKAL1BZCBA . . #MissionFoul #Foul #OriginsofFoul #Favabeans #beans #searchingforfoul #eatingfoul #travelingforfoul #traditionalfood #traditionalbreakfast #egypt #oldtown #oldcities #authenticliving #travelingforfun #missionfood #foulwhummus #spreadinghappiness #sharingjoy #nogarlicnoonions #middleeast #levantine #mediterraneandiet . Foul or Fava beans are large, flat, bright green beans with tough clear skin. They have a delicate, buttery, and nutty taste with a trace of light bitterness. Many describe the bean as tasting like spring, with a lightly sweet vegetal flavor. It is of uncertain origin but found in many areas around the world either planted and served or only served. Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, KSA are some of the Arab countries that consume Foul . Mission Foul will be searching for the Origins of FOUL around Jordan, Egypt, UAE, Lebanon, and KSA to start... Documenting the different ways these countries consume foul (beans), how do people cook it, eat it, consume it, mix it and everything in between. Green, brown or white, mashed or whole, ground ro \"Mdammas\". Going behind the scenes, entering the kitchens, how it’s made, How is it prepared. Experiencing Foul the way the locals do. The mission will be visiting street food markets, kitchens at homes, hotels, restaurants... Visiting the markets where Foul is sold (Canned and Fresh) This is where a documentary video will be published per day for each country we visited with many live social media interactions and Instagram stories. . Foul is one of the oldest and most important dishes Commonly eaten as is, or with breakfast Side dish at every meal Offered as a snack Offered at hotels and high-end restaurants . If Egypt’s food culture were symbolized by a single crop, it might well be the Faba bean. Cultivated on the banks of the Nile for millennia, Faba beans (also known as fava, fūl and broad beans, and Vicia Faba) have been a mainstay of the Egyptian diet since the time of the pharaohs. It’s a staple at breakfast, where the smallish, dark brown protein-packed bean is consumed as a stew (fūl medames). It’s eaten as a fried, falafel-like patty (taameyya), a purée (bessara), or fresh as a snack. Such is the legume’s popularity among Egyptians of all classes that they consume an average of 6.3 kilograms per capita per year (Ouda, 2017), the most in the world. . Cairo, Egypt’s sprawling capital, is set on the Nile River. At its heart is Tahrir Square and the vast Egyptian Museum, a trove of antiquities including royal mummies and gilded King Tutankhamun artifacts. Nearby, Giza is the site of the iconic pyramids and Great Sphinx, dating to the 26th century BC. In Gezira Island’s leafy Zamalek district, 187m Cairo Tower affords panoramic city views. . . . . Welcome to #AnthonyRahayel, #NoGArlicNoOnions Youtube channel \"Always remember; Happiness is a choice...\" . . شكرًا لك على مشاهدة مقطع فيديو آخر أو تغطية مباشرة بواسطة NoGarlicNoOnions. نشر السعادة ومشاركة الفرح هو ما أفعله. . سوف تبحث Mission Foul عن أصول FOUL في جميع أنحاء الأردن ومصر والإمارات العربية المتحدة ولبنان والمملكة العربية السعودية لتبدأ ... توثيق الطرق المختلفة التي تستهلك بها هذه البلدان الفول ، وكيف يطبخه الناس ، ويأكلونه ، ويستهلكونه ، ويخلطونه وكل شيء بينهما. أخضر ، بني أو أبيض ، مهروس أو كامل ، مطحون رو \"مدمس\". الذهاب وراء الكواليس ، دخول المطابخ ، كيف يتم صنعها ، كيف يتم تحضيرها. تجربة كريهة كما يفعل السكان المحليون. ستقوم البعثة بزيارة أسواق أغذية الشوارع والمطابخ في المنازل والفنادق والمطاعم ... زيارة الأسواق التي يباع فيها الفول (معلب وطازج) هذا هو المكان الذي سيتم فيه نشر فيديو وثائقي يوميًا لكل بلد قمنا بزيارته مع العديد من التفاعلات الحية على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي وقصص Instagram. . . JOIN: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCACicNDQx-HA5MFnl75a-OQ/join . MORE ABOUT me: https://youtu.be/bcj2J1j3zwg . . Follow my steps on Social Media: - FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/nogarlicnoonions - INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/nogarlicnoonions - TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/nogarlicnoonion - TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@nogarlicnoonions - LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rahayel/ . . SUPPORT my mission: https://www.patreon.com/nogarlicnoonions MERCHANDISE: https://teespring.com/stores/nogarlicnoonions . #NGNO #MadeinLebanon #LebanonTourism #LebaneseVillages #لبنان #VisitLebanon #Mechwar #Lebanon #Happiness #Joy #TourismVideos #MyLebanon #TravelwithAnthony #NGNOdiscovers #exploringLebanon #FoodVideos #positivelebanon #Lebaneseandproud #unitinglebanon'
Tags: egypt , street food , Americana , happy moments , Alexandria , مصر , القاهرة , egypt food , cairo street food , street food in egypt , nogarlicnoonions , food discoveries , anthony rahayel , exploring food , Traditional Eats , انطوني رحيل , foul , mission foul , foul 2021 , mission foul 2021 , discovering foul , origins of foul , california garden , foul in egypt , traditional food egypt , الإسكندرية , beans croissant , abou Chady jokes , jokes abou shadi , Heckle and Jeckle , Asterix et obelix , Tony haddad
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