'Chinese Street food in Guangzhou China, Named Wu Dalang Cooking Cake, I found it at a China Night Market. Wu Dalang Cooking Cake are famous in Shandong, China. During the Jingyou period of the Northern Song Dynasty, it was called \"Cooking Cake\", and later renamed \"Wu Dalang Shaobing\". Wu Dalang Cooking Cake are golden and crispy, with beautiful appearance and attractive appetite. Over the years, it has been continuously innovated and improved by chefs of the past generations. Wu Dalang cooking cake is a kind of snack with strong local characteristics. #chinesefood #streetfood #cookingcake #streetsnack'
Tags: street food , chinese street food , chinese food , 길거리 음식 , Chinese Food Tour , 街边小吃 , china street food , 街头美食 , street food tv , 屋台の食べ物 , street food night market , 街頭美食 , 烧饼 , 夜市小吃 , 街頭小吃 , 街邊美食 , 街邊小吃 , china street food cooking , 蛋餅 , chinese street food making , chinese street food market , 地方小吃 , Wu Dalang Cooking Cake , Chinese Street Snack , 武大郎烧饼 , 武大郎烧饼做法 , 武大郎烧饼制作 , 武大郎燒餅 , 武大郎燒餅做法 , 우달랑 비스킷 , chinese street food night market , street food tv show , 武大郎炊饼 , 武大郎炊餅 , omelet pancake , 煎蛋餅 , 炒蛋餅 , 大陸美食
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