'In today\'s Episode of Couples Reacts we react to EXPERIMENT Glowing 1000 degree KNIFE VS OBJECTS and he makes us want to cut a giant gummy lol Original Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWzOrwGL2us OUR \"LOYAL BLUE\" LOYALIST HOODIES ARE ON SALE NOW!! ALL SIZES AVAILABLE THEY ARE LIMITED EDITION SO MAKE SURE TO COP YOURS HERE BEFORE THEY ARE GONE! : https://creatorslabel.com/collections/couplesreact/products/loyalist-loyal-blue-limited-edition-hoodie ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on Instagram ..............►https://www.instagram.com/?hl=en Jasmine\'s Instagram.........►https://www.instagram.com/_jazzysings/ Dwayne\'s Instagram.......► https://www.instagram.com/_dwaynekyng/ Follow us on Twitter ................►https://twitter.com/_dwaynenjazz Snap us on Snapchat ................►https://www.snapchat.com/add/jasminedwayne16 Like us on Facebook ................► https://www.facebook.com/Official-DJ-1026990210754142/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEND US STUFF!!! Couple Reacts , Dwayne and Jasmine P.O. Box #6342 Largo MD 20792 Jasmine\'s Twitch.........►https://www.twitch.tv/jazzyguns Submit Video Requests Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc_uAxHtx3yxmQGvrWXaNJ6QLuVDGJTzvt_nfkIrjBS-kyDqA/viewform?c=0&w=1'
Tags: new , comedy , challenge , trend , funny , To , challenges , shane dawson , reaction , vlogs , react , 2017 , couple , marbles , jenna , iphone , shane , experiment , cutting , glowing , jasmine , couples react , Dwayne N Jazz , smash , Similar , glowing knife , dawson , shanedawsontv , nigahiga , Dwayne , hot knife , glowing 1000 degree knife , dwayne and jazz , dwayne and jasmine , couple reacts , 1000 degree , boyfriend girlfriend , vs objects , glowing hot knife , experiment glowing knife , vs doll , vs crocs
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