'AMAZING Indian Food in Kerala, India | BEST Indian Food Homemade Indian Cuisine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td1GEThVEnU We\'ll be responding to your comments for 1 hour after the videos are uploaded! Thanks! FOR REQUESTS PLEASE DROP US A MESSAGE ON FACEBOOK AT https://www.facebook.com/hiubangshow DONATE NOW https://www.patreon.com/hiubangshow SUBSCRIBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCth6TQtLO5sOY-vjaeAfYBQ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/hiubangofficial TWITTER https://www.twitter.com/hiubangofficial'
Tags: India , reaction , kerala , Indian food , street food , indonesia , The Food Ranger , indian street food , Indian Culture , kerala food , Kerala street food , hiubang show , munnar , the food ranger india , the food ranger reaction , the food ranger kerala , kerala culinary , india homemade cuisine , india culinary , reaction from indonesia , indonesian react , indonesian reaction
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