'My journey to better food started 12 years ago when we learned my daughter had an intolerance to synthetic food dye. That left me looking for alternatives, but I can\'t stand the idea of boiling beets, spinach or turmeric to a tablespoon of liquid. (Plus the taste! Beet cake anyone?! No thanks. ) And natural liquid food coloring split my frostings and baked goods. I knew it was time for something else! That\'s when I discovered the easiest way to tint cakes OR frostings with a method that works every time. No boiling, simmering or fussing and it\'s ready to go in 30 seconds! I use freeze dried fruits and vegetables to do the job and my cakes don\'t taste like them at all! (Well, the pineapple does so use your best judgment on that). **Get the freeze dried fruits and vegetables I use here: Blueberries: https://rachelballard.thrivelife.com/freeze-dried-blueberries-1216.html Pineapple: https://rachelballard.thrivelife.com/pineapple-freeze-dried.html Peas: https://rachelballard.thrivelife.com/freeze-dried-green-peas-1226.html Strawberries: https://rachelballard.thrivelife.com/freeze-dried-strawberries-1216.html **Get the cupcake recipe here: https://feastandfarm.com/homemade-strawberry-shortcake/'
Tags: How to Bake , baking recipes , food coloring , natural food coloring , Natural food coloring powder , natural food coloring for cakes , How to Make Natural Food Coloring , how to use natural food coloring , how to use food coloing
See also: