'Like what you see? Please give generously. http://www.thinktechhawaii.com Popularity Leads to Rapid Expansion Plans. In 2016, Jason Miyamoto realized the chip like jerky he’d often make as a hobby was better than other snack products on the market. That led Miyamoto to unconventionally look for business partners and help from his friends. The DE.HI story began with three friends—Jason Miyamoto, Justini Enright, and Elliot Lau—set out to revolutionize the snack food industry with their delicious handcrafted beef and pork crispy jerky that eats like a chip. The business started small, manufacturing beef and pork crispy jerky 24/7. DE.HI quickly grew and encountered significant barriers to entry such as competing with many large national snack food companies and incurring significant start-up and operational costs. In spite of the substantial growth over a short period of time, they’ve got even bigger goals and are currently in the process of launching an aggressive expansion plan on the mainland and strive to get thousands of retailers across the country. The host for this episode is Dennis Wong. The guests for this episode are Jason Miyamoto and Justin Enright. ThinkTech Hawaii streams live on the Internet from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm every weekday afternoon, Hawaii Time, then streaming earlier shows through the night. Check us out any time for great content and great community. Our vision is to be a leader in shaping a more vital and thriving Hawaii as the foundation for future generations. Our mission is to be the leading digital media platform raising public awareness and promoting civic engagement in Hawaii.'
Tags: Food , popular , snack , Tech , hawaii , sales , Business , energy , retailers , ECONOMY , food industry , globalization , Think Tech Hawaii , Diversification , financing , jerky , locally owned company , capital infusion , Dennis Wong , Jason Miyamoto , Justin Enright
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