'\"Food Glorious Food\" from Oliver the musical performed by the Sutton Coldfield group of The Brit Youth Theatre at the Old Rep theatre in July 2007. Act, Dance, Sing, Perform with The Brit Youth Theatre; the performing arts stage school that performs! Schools in Sutton Coldfield and Solihull areas of Birmingham. www.thebrityouththeatre.co.uk'
Tags: summer , school , Youth , Musicals , dream , arts , média , company , group , Musical , Theater , broadway , Performing , Oliver! (film) , west end , Nancy , Brit , Dance (Professional Field) , Music (Industry) , Oliver! (Play) , Food Glorious Food , Oliver Twist (Book) , Birmingham (City/Town/Village) , Theatre (Award Discipline) , Brit Youth Theatre , Play (theatre) , Performing Arts (Broadcast Genre) , Sutton Coldfield (City/Town/Village) , Solihull (City/Town/Village) , Classical Music (Musical Genre)
See also: