'Prof. salima Ikram: \"Food & Drink in Ancient Egypt\", lecture given at the IFAO, 21 March 18'

'Prof. salima Ikram: \"Food & Drink in Ancient Egypt\", lecture given at the IFAO, 21 March 18'
30:36 Jun 18, 2021
'Feasts Fit for Pharaohs: Food and Drink in Ancient Egypt Festins des pharaons : nourritures et boissons dans l’Égypte ancienne  Lecture by Salima Ikram Distinguished Professor of Egyptology at the AUC ———————— Key note lecture of: The International Conference on Food and Drink in Egypt and Sudan Throughout History Cairo, March 21-23, 2018 The conference and the lecture were co-organised by The Institut français d\'archéologie orientale (IFAO) and Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology Research Center in Cairo (PCMA). ———— Organized by: Mennat-Allah El Dorry (Ifao/PCMA) Amr Bahgat (Ifao) ----------- Sound: Eng. Abanoub (Pure Sound)  With Special Thanks to: Georges Habib (Ifao) Sameh Ezzat (Ifao) Abdel-Moneim Saïd (Ifao) Mostafa Solimane (Ifao) And The whole Ifao team  Produced & Directed by: Ihab Ibrahim (Ifao)' 
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