'Supper will no longer be the same, when your kid dishes out interesting facts about global cuisines, every single time of the day. Ignite the flicker of curiosity in children with Shifu Orboot—a STEM-tech educational globe enhanced by the power of Augmented Reality. Cuisines, Inventions, Monuments, Animals, Culture, Maps and more, with Orboot in hand, your little one will learn beyond classroom doors! To know more about Shifu Orboot, click here: https://www.playshifu.com/orboot We would love to connect and know you better. Join the awesomeness! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/playshifu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/playshifu Twitter: https://twitter.com/PlayShifu'
Tags: ar , globe , augmented reality , Games For Kids , fun games , early learning , children games , STEM , educational toys , learning toys , STEM toy
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