'Foodporn is the #1 FREE app to help you find the best food and dining experiences from 4 million restaurants around the world. Get your food porn on by downloading us here: https://www.food.porn Executive Producer - Foodporn - @foodporn Production Company - Enamoured Iris - @enamourediris Producer - Robotface - @robotface_au Producer - Instant Crush - @instantcrushcreative Producer - Ines Guarda Co-Producer - Andrew Dale Co-Producer - Michael Woods - @bymichaelwoods Director - Paddy Hassall - @dr_phass DOP - Josef Gatti - @josefgatti DOP Motion Control - Tom David - @_tom__david_ Editor - Kate Tartsus - @katetartsus Production Design-Props Design - Michael Woods - @bymichaelwoods Production Management - Ines Guarda & Michael Woods BTS - Zac Dorio - @zacdorio Food Stylist - Jana Langhorst - @jana_langhorst Assistant Food Stylist - Jo Barrett - @jobarrett SFX - Clint Dodd Vocals - Jeff McNeal - @jeffjmcneal Models - @jordi_jordz, @julia_viering, @gevamentor, @raoulmentor, @birkettlike, @juany Subscribe to Foodporn: http://shorturl.at/vyT24 Do you have any questions or suggestions? Leave them in the comments below! Check out our Website: https://www.food.porn Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/foodporn Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/foodporn Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/food_porn Watch us on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@foodporn Peep us on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/foodporn'
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