'Fasting without food or water for 3 days. You are not going to die.'

'Fasting without food or water for 3 days. You are not going to die.'
07:15 May 18, 2021
'CONTACT INFO: \"God is perfect!\" Email me: [email protected] My Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/kev.may.792 Kev Breeze   Give God a bit more time. ------------------- When I was a child, I believe I fell off my bicycle many times. I think many of those experiences were extremely painful. I survived  :-) . Guess what, I don\'t need training wheels to ride a bicycle anymore LOL.   Let me ask you something. How silly would it be for me to expect how to ride a bicycle if I never practiced or practiced enough? I am not a genius LOL. I don\'t think I am extremely smart haha. I don\'t think I learn things very quickly. How silly would it be for me to expect how to ride a bicycle if I choose not to place much effort into it? Okay. Aren\'t you trying to live for Jesus Christ?   Are you? Are you expecting to be perfect at it but choose not to place adequate time in getting better at it? Hello? Are you there? I don\'t know much about LeBron James. I guess I know he is a good basketball player. Didn\'t he place much time in getting good at what he does now? I think so.   So what can you conclude? I don\'t think you can say that you aren\'t good at trying to obey Jesus Christ\'s rules if you aren\'t placing much time in trying to learn more of Him. Aren\'t you kind of giving up without placing a nice amount of effort into it? I don\'t think I give time to God as much as some others. I think the more time I give to God, the better things are for me. I think I am a \"living testimony\" to that statement.   How am I any different from you? I don\'t have wings. I don\'t think I can shoot energy waves out of my hands or anything like that. What am I? I am a regular (I think I am regular haha) guy who chooses to place effort in trying to be pleasing to God. God is no respecter of persons (doesn\'t show favoritism), right?. If I can do it, can\'t you do it? Place effort into knowing God.   ***Get up. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Enough of that self-pity stuff.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Pain-free Christian life. ------------------- As far as I know, the \"pain-free Christian life\" is nonexistent. Have you read the Bible? Where in the Bible does it say you will never have to go through trials and tribulations while living for Jesus Christ. You can give your church many tithes and offering as you like, but I don\'t think God will stop every bad thing from happening to you because of your charity. Let\'s be serious.  Let it not surprise you if bad things happen and you get inconvenienced. It seems to me I get inconvenienced so much haha. Like, as if someone is planning these things out hahaha. Perhaps it is demons. If anyone is teaching you your life is going to be pain-free, I think that person is very misleading. When I was younger, I believe I was told that living for God is easy. I don\'t think that is true. I feel living for Jesus Christ is easier than trying to live without Him. Yet, I don\'t think living for Jesus Christ is easy.   For me, I think living for Jesus Christ is a constant fight. Can you believe that? Like a struggle, perhaps. I guess it is kind of like wrestling on your knees with an opponent. Rolling around in the dirt, rocks, street, mud, leaves, etc. I guess some days may feel sunny, but I guess most days it will rain a bit. Do you understand what I am trying to tell you? Haha. I hope so.   \"Kevin, what is your point?\" Please give me time. Don\'t give up on Jesus Christ. Keep on wrestling even if it seems pointless. It is not pointless. Why am I telling you this? In the end, I believe you will be rewarded. I think some people believe Heaven will be boring. What would ever make you think that? I guess some people think we are going to be praying and reading the Bible all day in Heaven LOL. I think there are places on this Earth we may have not discovered yet. Didn\'t God make the Sun? Can we even figure out how the sun was created? If we can\'t figure out how the sun got created, how do you think Heaven is going to be like?   I believe Heaven is going to be better there than this existence. If you haven\'t seen everything on Earth, how do you think Heaven is going to be like? If demons are convincing you to want to go to Hell, please don\'t choose to go. I don\'t think you will like it. I know I won\'t like it. If you had a tough time on this Earth, why choose to go to Hell and have it tougher? Maybe you blame God for what happened to you and your childhood. It is best to forgive and move on.' 

Tags: Christian , Jesus , bible , christ , Christianity , sin , Salvation , scripture , biblical , righteousness , the word of God

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