'This Video was made on 12th of January.The First Day of the Food Festival.It was held in JLN Stadium from 12th to 15th January.It was Fun.There was Lots and Lots of Street Food.I went Craaaazy. Thank You Aditya, Tanvi , Akshita for helping me to Film this Video. Music By : [No Copyright Music] Great Days - Joakim Karud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lhZRunuJTs&index=25&list=PLr_NPv4P33yq4wUnrR41paYUaZ9hqcyYn Hope You Guys Like this Video. Like!!!Subscribe!!!Share!!!'
Tags: Food , Chicken , India , epic , bihar , Indian food , street food , fish , Telangana , Andhra Pradesh , rajasthan , technical guruji , Gujarat , bb ki vines , goa , sanjeev kapoor , spicy food , carry minati , mumbiker nikhil , Orissa , roadside food , ladoo , thandai , The Street Food Festival , Hungry dilli wali , jawahar lal nehru stadium , jln , chatissgarh
See also: