'Check out Nourish from PBS! https://www.youtube.com/PBSNourish SUBSCRIBE to It\'s Okay To Be Smart! ►► http://bit.ly/iotbs_sub ↓↓↓ More info and sources below ↓↓↓ People who live near the equator use more spices per recipe than people who live far from the equator. But that isn\'t for the reason you think. Spices and other plant ingredients have special powers that make them a truly magical superfood! REFERENCES: Billing, J., & Sherman, P. W. (1998). Antimicrobial functions of spices: why some like it hot. The Quarterly review of biology, 73(1), 3-49. Juneja, V. K., Dwivedi, H. P., & Yan, X. (2012). Novel natural food antimicrobials. Annual review of food science and technology, 3, 381-403. Sherman, P. W., & Billing, J. (1999). Darwinian gastronomy: why we use spices: spices taste good because they are good for us. BioScience, 49(6), 453-463. Li, Z., Henning, S. M., Zhang, Y., Zerlin, A., Li, L., Gao, K., ... & Heber, D. (2010). Antioxidant-rich spice added to hamburger meat during cooking results in reduced meat, plasma, and urine malondialdehyde concentrations–. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 91(5), 1180-1184. ----------- FOLLOW US: Twitter: @DrJoeHanson @okaytobesmart Instagram: @DrJoeHanson Merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/its-okay-to-be-smart Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/itsokaytobesmart SEND US STUFF: It’s Okay To Be Smart PO Box 303356 Austin, TX 78703 USA BOOKS WE’VE FEATURED: http://smart-books.tumblr.com/ ----------- It’s Okay To Be Smart is hosted by Joe Hanson, Ph.D. Director: Joe Nicolosi Writer: Sarah Keartes Creative Director: David Schulte Editor/animator: Derek Borsheim Producers: Stephanie Noone and Amanda Fox Produced by PBS Digital Studios Music via APM Stock images from Shutterstock http://www.shutterstock.com'
Tags: Cooking , Recipe , Food , science , Documentary , turmeric , Cinnamon , nature , cuisine , pbs , Herbs , Spice , peppers , spicy , spicy food , hot food , pepper , oregano , PBS digital studios , joe hanson , it's okay to be smart , its okay to be smart , it's ok to be smart , its ok to be smart , public broadcasting service , history of cooking
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