Apr 12, 2024
'Location: https://maps.google.com/?q=5.416492,100.332497 No Name ? So What ? This Wanton Mee Roadside Stall Wins Them All! Take a walk down Lebuh Chulia in George Town and you will find a portion of the road completely occupied by tables and chairs with customers enjoying, and queuing up waiting, for their bowl of wanton noodles. This stall has been around for ages and most intriguing of all is that it has no name! The signage on the stall\'s glass cabinet just says wanton noodles but it has a super power that attracts endless stream of customers. Take a look at this video of the non-stop noodle preparation taking place here. There is dark sauce wanton noodle with soup or without (dry) and served with shrimp dumplings or wantons and slices of \'char siew\' . The continuous hum of the burner boiling the broth can be heard far away. Imagine, this is not even in a shop, it is just on the road and sidewalk! Drop by this stall and discover why the wanton noodle is so irresistible. Catch the other street food discovery videos all over Penang on this channel too. Like, share and continue to watch interesting videos on this channel by being a subscriber right away.'
Tags: Wanton mee , Penang George Town Lebuh Chulia , Road side foods stall , Lebuh Chulia food stalls
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