'John Nzira is a specialist in Permaculture and urban farming. He has two decades of experience working for government and NGOs in community development teaching and practicing permaculture. He has grown food his whole life and last bought groceries in a supermarket 17 years ago. A master beekeeper John\'s has a wealth of ecological landscaping plant and planting knowledge vast experience in community development teaching and practicing combined with a passion for the natural world. He is currently the director for the Ukuvuna Permaculture Consultancy. John is a recipient of the DEAET award for conservation and the Silver Gilt medal 2006 Chelsea Flower Show – UK Royal Horticultural Society presented by HRH Queen Elizabeth. His aim is the development of practical skills in permaculture food gardens, nutrition ,medicinal food and landscaping with indigenous plants. http://www.simplysustainable.co.za Donna Andrews is a radical African ecofeminist. She works on capitalism and nature focusing on land, mining and fishing in post-apartheid SA. She worked in the Jubilee South debt movement and was active on trade and trade-related issues in South and Southern Africa. She is a member of the Rita Edwards Collective a feminist solidarity organisation, engaged in anti-sexist, anti-heteronormative, anti-patriarchal struggles. She is political economist and a researcher in Food Politics and Cultures Project funded by the Mellon Foundation, located at the University of the Western Cape'
Tags: nature , permaculture , Urban Farming , beekeeper , Community Development , ecological landscaping , John Nzira , planting knowledge , Fambidzanai Permaculture Training Centre , Ukuvuna Permaculture Consultancy , Donna Andrews , radical ecofeminist , Jubilee South Debt movement , Rita Edwards Collective
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