02:47 Apr 21, 2021
'The use of Garlic has been up for debate for many years. This does not cure MARINE ICK, but it does give fish an interest in food.  One of the major reasons for new fish getting ICK is stress and NOT EATTING. I believe if you can get your new fish to eat, you have a better chance at beating any disease.  The use of a Quaratine system is preferred.  I use of Garlic once a week schedule, or as needed.  Remeber to use very little.  Once you use it, you may like it. I decided to make my own concentrated Garlic Juice.  I hope you find this video useful, some of you may not have access to a Garlic Concentrate. You may live away from any type of stores, or you may need Garlic immediately. This is available on the internet. Very easy to do, took me approximately 30 mins. Also very cheap, if possible use RODI water, but do not use tap water for a Saltwater Reef Tank.   Garlic is also said to boost your Fish immune system! Enjoy your healthy Fish.  UPDATE OF THE 120G/34G CORAL REEF TANKS! Thanks for watching Make Sure to LIKE/SUBSCRIBE!' 

Tags: Do It Yourself (Hobby) , Garlic (Ingredient) , Juice (Beverage Type) , fish disease , Best Fish Food , aquarium maintenance , ati t5 , Red sea test kit , Nano reef , Miracle mud , Ecotech radion , Ecotech marine mp40 , Two little fishies reactors , Kalkwasser reactor , trigger systems ruby red sump , Carbon gfo , Biopellets , ALK CA MG , How to dose a reef tank , hyposalinity , how to cure ick , how to get fish to eat

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