'This episode is brought to you by new Snickers Crisper. Hunger keeps inventing new problems, so we invented new Snickers Crisper. http://bit.ly/SnickersCrisper Best Ariana Style Moments 2015 ►► https://youtu.be/V0odXxOzreg More Celebrity News ►► http://bit.ly/SubClevverNews Arianators, you can finally get your hands on Ariana Grande’s MAC Collection because her Viva Glam lippies are finally available for purchase! After months and months of waiting, MAC has finally released Ariana Grande’s Viva Glam lip collection to the public so you can channel your inner good or bad girl, you know, whichever one your little heart desires. Kylie Jenner isn’t the only one with highly desired lippies! When Ari was announced as the 2016 Viva Glam spokesperson for MAC back in October, the cosmetic company also revealed that the two teamed up to create two colors – a matte plum lipstick and a shimmering pink lipgloss -- that totally match Ariana’s cute and dramatic makeup look! Both of the colors are available on the MAC website for purchase! In honor of Ariana’s Viva Glam lip collection debut, MAC posted a sweet gif of the singer modeling both of her lip colors on Instagram and called all good girls and bad girls to go glam! To be honest, I’m not sure how anyone would be able to choose between those two colors. I want them both! What about you? Which of Ari’s lip colors do you love best? The sexy dark plum lipstick or the adorable bright pink gloss? Sound off in the comment section below! After you’re done telling me which one you’re dying to get your hands on, click right over here to check out some of Ariana’s best hair and style moments from 2015! Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel. Thanks so much for hanging out with me on Clevver News, I’m your host Joslyn Davis and I’ll see ya next time. For More Clevver Visit: Website: http://www.clevver.com Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/ClevverNews Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ClevverNews Keep up with us on Instagram: http://instagr.am/Clevver Add us to your circles on Google+: http://google.com/+ClevverNews Tweet Me: http://www.twitter.com/joslyndavis'
Tags: clevver news , MAC Cosmetics , news feed , ariana grande , ariana grande mac , ariana grande mac cosmetics , ariana grande 2016 , ariana grande mac ad , ariana grande ad , ariana grande beauty products
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