'Learn the rules to the board game Hi-Ho! Cherry-O! quickly and concisely - This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules. Don\'t own the game? Buy it here: https://amzn.to/3cTpuZS (This Amazon Affiliate link directly supports me) RULES: The object of the game is to be the first player to pick 10 cherries form your tree, fill up your bucket, then say “Hi-Ho! Cherry-O!”. Setup: Each player chooses a tree card and places 10 cherries on it. The youngest player goes first and play proceeds clockwise. On your turn, spin the spinner and take the action according to the spin: 1 to 4 Cherries: pick the number of cherries indicated by your spin from your tree and put it into your bucket. Bird or Dog: Take 2 cherries from your bucket and place them back on your tree. If you have 1 or fewer in your bucket, put back what you can. Spilled Bucket: Remove all the cherries from your bucket and put them back on the tree. The first player to have all 10 cherries in their bucket and says: “Hi-Ho! Cherry-O!” wins.'
Tags: how to , tips , tutorial , Learning , game , games , lesson , help , fast , quick , Play , Board , dice , learn , short , teaching , how to play , instructions , Hiho , Fastest , teach , tip , board game , die , instruction , rules , card , oh , CARDS , Board Games , card game , hi ho , cherry , learned , Assist , Shortest , instruct , Taught , concise , sssgames , triple s games , triplesgames , triplesgames.com , ruels , hi ho cherry o , cherryo , charry , hihocherryo , cherro , hi-ho , cherry-o , How to play Hi-Ho! Cherry-O! , how to play hi ho cherrio o
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