'Hi Everyone! thanks so much for watching today\'s video! I bought two pur cosmetics mystery bags. One big, one small, Were they worth it? Did I get repeat products? Let\'s find out. Much love my friends Pur small mystery bag https://go.magik.ly/ml/nllx/ Deluxe mystery bag https://go.magik.ly/ml/nllx/ On my eyes Natasha Denona Mini Lila palette https://go.magik.ly/ml/evai/https://www.youtube.com/c/LeannSerao you can email me at [email protected] follow me on instagram https://www.instagram.com/cyberkitty70/ The above links are magic links which means if you shop through them, I make a small, and I do mean small commission. Please don’t feel pressure to use them FTC disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links\" I use MagicLinks for all my ready-to-shop product links. Check it out here:https://www.magiclinks.org/rewards/referral/leannserao/ ebates link If you shop online you should shop through ebates! I have been using it for years. If you use my link, I get $15 as a referral, and you get $15 after you spend your first $25 If you don’t feel comfortable using my Link, please sign up for it anyway, you will still get $15. https://www.ebates.com/r/LEANNS121?eeid=28187 Colour pop -Save $5 off your order use my referral link below! https://www.talkable.com/x/AHfEca Fabfitfun-#FabFitFunAffiliate https://t.fabfitfun.com/SH33q Full disclosure, you save $10 on your first box, and I earn a commission if you use my link. Please never feel pressured to do so, but thank you if you do. https://www.stitchfix.com/referral/leannserao?sod=w&som=c Stitchfix Allure Beauty Box http://fbuy.me/v/leannserao Ipsy link https://www.ipsy.com/new?cid=ppage_ref&sid=link&refer=xn8um Boxycharm link https://www.boxycharm.com/refer/Leann-WMAOTCTJ Birchbox link https://www.birchbox.com/invite/6bg45 Look Fantastic Link https://us.lookfantastic.com/referrals.list?applyCode=LEANN-R3T you can email me at [email protected] follow me on instagram https://www.instagram.com/cyberkitty70/ #purcosmetics #mysterybag'
Tags: makeup , makeup haul , may 2019 , PUR , pur mystery bag , pur cosmetics makeup haul , makeup haul may 2019 , pur mystery bag may 2019 , mystery makeup haul , best mystery bag , best mystery makeup bag
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