'Hi Everyone! Thank you for watching my video. I hope you enjoy watching my new color corrector series! My new series will be reviewing correctors from different brands on my dark circles. I know many people struggle with dark circles like I do and are looking for something to get rid of them!! Today I will be reviewing the Tarte Colored Clay CC Undereye Corrector! Let me know your thoughts on this product! ________________________________________________ **Products Mentioned** Tarte Colored Clay CC Undereye Corrector $25 Shade Light to Medium https://www.ulta.com/colored-clay-cc-undereye-corrector?productId=xlsImpprod10821078 Two Faced Born This Way Super Full Coverage Multi-Use Sculpting Concealer $30 https://www.ulta.com/born-this-way-super-coverage-multi-use-sculpting-concealer?productId=xlsImpprod18631033 __________________________________________________ MY FINAL THOUGHTS: The corrector did crease a bit by the end of the day but not as bad as the day before. The baking process did help it last a little better. In a different light, my undereye with the corrector under it actually looked brighter. I would suggest not using a lot when applying this so it is not as heavy. I would change this to a 7/10 because it does brighten up the area but it is very heavy. Using less is more when it comes to this corrector! ___________________________________________________ Remember I upload every Tuesday & Thursday! Please consider subscribing to my channel and hit that notification bell to be notified when I upload. ✔️Follow me on Instagram: @kayla_marie_beauty ✔️Business inquiries, e-mail me at: [email protected] Thank you for all of your support! xoxo Kayla Marie #Colorcorrector #Tartecolorcorrector #Tartecoloredclayccundereyecorrector'
Tags: COLORCORRECTOR , Tartecoloredclayccundereyecorrector , Bestcolorcorrector , Tartecoloredclayundereyecorrectorreview , Tartecoloredclaycccorrector , Tartecolorcorrector , Colorcorrectorreview , Tarteundereyecorrector
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