'Hey, Beauties!!! I finally got some MAIL!!! Lets see what I got!! Plus watch me use the new Pur Palette I received!!! and Unbox my Mytery bag from Pur!! Please don\'t forget to like, comment and share!! Also don\'t forget to check out my Mother\'s Day giveaway and 1k Sub giveaway!! Stay Healthy and stay safe Beauties!! All opinions are solely mine!! Unless stated I have purchased box/bag/items. You can follow me on instagram @roxrochon email: [email protected] Mail address: P.O. box 1235 Palmerston, Ontario N0G2P0 Tribe Every Two Months - $34.99 plus taxes and shipping Save 10% on your first box http://i.refs.cc/c8C10jNV?smile_ref=eyJzbWlsZV9zb3VyY2UiOiJzbWlsZV91aSIsInNtaWxlX21lZGl1bSI6IiIsInNtaWxlX2NhbXBhaWduIjoicmVmZXJyYWxfcHJvZ3JhbSIsInNtaWxlX2N1c3RvbWVyX2lkIjozNjI3MzI1NjZ9 Topbox Canadian box - $12 plus Taxes, Monthly https://topbox.ca/?aic=FB8G56J Luxebox Canadian Box - $26 plus taxes, quarterly http://luxebox.refr.cc/JSXVL9B FabFitFun **NOW AN AFFILIATE!!!** #fabfitfunaffiliate American box - $49.99 plus $8 (USD) to ship (to Canada) Quarterly Use link to receive $10 off your first box http://xo.fff.me/jNIHH Use code: RAINBOW to save 20% off your spring box Ipsy American box - $10 plus $5 (USD) to ship (to Canada) Monthly https://www.ipsy.com/new?cid=ppage_ref&sid=link&refer=11nvkh BoxyCharm,BoxyLuxe & Boxy Premuim! American box -American box - $25 plus $5 (USD) to ship (to Canada), Monthly Boxy Premuim - Monthly box - $35 plus $5(USD) to ship ( To Canada), Monthly BoxyLuxe is an upgrade that happens quarterly - must be a subscriber before the luxe box is released ex if you want Decembers box you must be a sub in November. BoxyLuxe is an extra $28.99 plus $3 extra to ship to Canada. Boxycharm https://www.boxycharm.com/refer/Rox-HEOGYAHK New member coupon for $6 towards May\'s pop CODE: SAVE6POP Look Fantastic UK box - $25 to $20 (depending on length of subscription) https://www.lookfantastic.com/referrals.list?applyCode=ROXANNE-RGX Causebox Introbox is $24.95 USD plus shipping Seasonal is 49.95 USD plus shipping Link to save $10 https://www.talkable.com/x/tRSl57 GossyBox Monthly - $21 USD plus $5 USD to ship Link save you 20 % https://www.glossybox.com/referrals.list?applyCode=ROXANNE-R11 Code: WILD16 to save $5'
Tags: beauty , grwm , Make up , get ready with me , barbie , mystery , Unboxing , canadian , bag , timeless , PUR , subscription , candles , minnie mouse , mickey , charmed aroma , thinkx
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